Privacy Policy Statement

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Our postal address is:

    PO Box 12232
    Marina del Rey, CA 90295
We can be reached at the address above, or via e-mail at

Privacy Policy

We collect the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail. Additionally, for each visit to a page on our web site our web server records the IP address from which the connection originates. This may be be used to determine information about the visitors domain name, ISP, affiliated organization, or location. The server also collects information about the user's computer, browser, operating system, and other information sent by the browser including the URL of the last page visited from which a link was followed to our site. Cookies and/or web beacons may be set and read by third party ad servers and web site analysis software (such as Google Adsense and Google Analytics) that enable repeat visits to be recognized, and support the analysis of visit specific information about the pages that are accessed.

The information collected, set, and stored by such third party services could potentially be used to correlate data about visits to pages on this site, with information collected when the user visits other internet sites. Some of the services that display advetisements on this site (e.g. Google Adsense) set and read cookies to select the ads that will be displayed when visitig this site, and other sites. This selection of ads may be based on information collected during your visits to this site as well as visits to other sites on the Internet. With respect to the "DART" cookie used by Google AdSense, you may opt-out of its use by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

We collect the e-mail addresses and other personal information of those who post messages to message forums available on our site, but only when such information is specifically provided to us by the visitor. We also collect messages specifically posted to our messages forums by visitors, and the information in such messages is made publicly available - we have no control over what others who view such messages do with that information.

We use the information we collect to improve the content of our Web page, and to respond to requests by users. Except as described elsewhere in this policy We do not use this information for marketing purposes, although information collected by the third party services described above might be used for such purposes according to their stated policies (see the list of third party services below).

Some of our sites have associated mailing lists which visitors may request to join. If a visitor joins a mailing list we will from time to time send them messages that are posted to the joined list. Visitors may request removal from the mailing list through the same means by which they joined, or they may contact us for removal at the e-mail address listed above.

The information collected by us is stored by our web site hosting provider, and as a result is available to them (whether we specifically choose to share it or not). Similarly, some of the data described above is managed by analysis tools (e.g. Google Analytics), and as a result is available to them. Our site uses ad servers to display ads that are of interest to you - these are relationships with other companies that we allow to place ads on our Web pages. As a result of your visit to our site, ad server companies may collect information including your domain type, domain name, your IP address and clickstream information. Any breach in protection of such data while it is stored on servers of these third parties could result in the information becoming available to others.

For further information about the information collected by these other companies, and what they do with this information, please consult the privacy policies found on the websites for the following services:

    ServiceWeb site
    Connect Commerce (Google)
    1 and

Additionally, clicking on an external link (a link that takes you to web site other than our own) from a page on our site, may provide information to the other site regarding the URL of page on our site from which you clicked their link. Such external sites may collect information acording to their own privacy policy, or even without limitation by a published privacy policy at all.

If you wish to block the setting of and or reading of cookies you should consult the documentation for your web browser. Even if you block the use of cookies, certain other information including your IP address, and referal URL (and other information provided by your browser) may still be available and collected by this site, or by the third party services listed above. For a good discussion regarding internet privacy, including tips for limiting the information available to websites, see

If you feel that this site (or any of the other sites we rely upon and have listed above) are not following its stated information policy, you may contact us using the contact information at the top of this page.

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